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Time Cube

gene ray and the hyperbole of nothingness time cube - instantiation of language; the building of the conceptual; what language can do is mirror an entital projection; the moment of love dissolves in the non-need for language; yet the "evil word" is just what is required in every instance of deviation from that mutuality. what is especially revelatory is the total isolation of linguistic framing - thus it is more valuable than the non-referent schools of mysticism, and more along the lines of the rejected, the poet, or the "nonsensical". the poet however, further fails in this insofar as s/he is read. resultantly, the operation of theorizing is unparalleled in its self-revealing, no doubt in tandem with a perfectly juxtaposed academic stupidity. what is stupid is what is obtuse to a given set's logic, what is academic is the technologically-tending recreation of a synthetic context, potentially independent of any given conventional ideas. academia is most a

Theoretical Immunology (tendencies towards self and their failures - ie. open model)

Tauber: It was at this juncture that Sir Frank Macfarlane Burnet introduced the “self” into the immunological lexicon (Burnet and Fenner 1949) upon that metaphor erected a theory of immunological tolerance that still dominates the field. characterized by multiple, even competing thought-styles (Crist and Tauber 1997) Crist, E. and Tauber, A. I. (1997) “Debating humoral immunity and epistemology: The rivalry of the immunochemists Jules Bordet and Paul Ehrlich,” Journal of the History of Biology, 30: 321-356