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Showing posts from August, 2022

Ecology and Glitch

Glitch Ecologies unbecoming glitch:  glitch is about working outside of its own categories, generalizing itself - not becoming, but unbecoming;  moreover it can be unsightly, not simply in the sometimes true "transgressive" manner, which is a conceptual possibility that always stands as an ideal pillar of the movement, but for its folk-oriented dissemination - the complaint of the glitch hater is not solely its ugliness but the continual unenjoyable variations and repetitions it encourages - glitch art is ugly and its boring - or for the fan, it is unconcerned with adorned aesthetics (or interested in exploring unadorned ones) and it is interested in community art, socially-driven art and creating new dialogues within these spaces about given social issues. postscripts: ecology and glitch; failure of the environment; failure of bodies; Sask artist - taking the parameters of live video - performed video - video fed through audience interaction and out through content; like a s