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Showing posts from 2022

Steps to Building a World for Open Data Science

I've come to believe that one of the key areas where open science can contribute to political issues is in the area of sensor technologies and open hardware.  It's also a relatively accessible area to begin to gain practical knowledge in democratized scientific practice.  That is, a great way to get introduced to the Open Science Network and what a group like this is about. This free workshop evening will be dedicated to learning a basic approach to creating your own sensors and the ideas that surround that.  We'll use the arduino technology to learn about the translation of real world analog information into computable digital formats.  We'll learn some code, a bit about hardware, and about the concepts that make this access possible. This workshop will also serve as a beginner's intro to arduino technology and how to use the system.  Absolute beginners totally welcome. Bring: 1. A Laptop 2. An Arduino 3. Your Party Face *Anyone is welcome, but to fully participate

Ecology and Glitch

Glitch Ecologies unbecoming glitch:  glitch is about working outside of its own categories, generalizing itself - not becoming, but unbecoming;  moreover it can be unsightly, not simply in the sometimes true "transgressive" manner, which is a conceptual possibility that always stands as an ideal pillar of the movement, but for its folk-oriented dissemination - the complaint of the glitch hater is not solely its ugliness but the continual unenjoyable variations and repetitions it encourages - glitch art is ugly and its boring - or for the fan, it is unconcerned with adorned aesthetics (or interested in exploring unadorned ones) and it is interested in community art, socially-driven art and creating new dialogues within these spaces about given social issues. postscripts: ecology and glitch; failure of the environment; failure of bodies; Sask artist - taking the parameters of live video - performed video - video fed through audience interaction and out through content; like a s